Hides of March

It is a warm-in-the-sun kind of Spring Sunday and the wind is droning on and on. A heavy build that is the perfect soundtrack on the eve of the Ides of March. I am reminded of a trip to the greenhouse for a bulb show in a time when it was safe to congregate as the blooms do.. The poem to follow spilled out of me on another recent Sunday.. something about this time of year conjures so much hope. May these images and words usher the magick of Spring.


Hides of March
Brittany Dent

Even the charm

Of blue sky

Can’t uphold the illusion

For long

For my mind is made up

And the wind is biting

Dried limbs put up a fight

But they still toss -- remembering

Their limberness in Spring

The bridge to your heart 

Has frozen over 

But I know there’s a field of daisies

And daffodils

Who slumber now

But will soon be ready 

To push through.