festival of flowers

Sitting to the soundtrack of a Spring rain on a Sunday morning, amongst my favorite things, and I’m realizing I haven’t posted about the wonderful Festival of Flowers I had the honor and pleasure of designing for this month.

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artist reflection:

title: "Hope Springs Eternal"

Inspired and named after the poet Alexander Pope, in this piece "Hope Springs Eternal", circles represent the cycle of life and the flowers spring Hope from a verdant floor. No matter the odds, even in the traumatic wake of pandemic and social injustice, may there always be a well of Hope to draw from.

My piece from the show exhibited in the divine Plaster Cast Gallery of the GWV Smith Art Museum. It was the perfect palette— all smooth and white— to explode color and texture into. Due to the precious nature of flowers, the show was only a few, fleeting days, but thanks to lovely staff at the museum, the works have been immortalized in this video.

Also, all I could think of was the movie Pride + Prejudice when Elizabeth is swooning around Mr. Darcy’s plaster gallery at his estate. . .

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